Entering a new year is always exciting. 2023 is no different. In 2022, BRD Gun Works LLC made some great growth in the firearm lineup. The Hunter Series had no changes, but both the Vertex Series of AR-15 rifles and the Invictus Series of large frame AR’s saw the addition of the Elite models. An additional series was also added. The Salient line of the AR pistols, which currently include the Salient and Salient Pro models. BRDGW has also teamed up with a carbon fiber barrel manufacturer that will allow us to offer some custom chambers in select calibers that we’ve been working on. These are just a few of the things that we are excited about in 2023! From the BRGW family to yours, we wish you a blessed 2023!
Busy… Busy… Busy
There are no new blog posts yet, but there are some that have been started. There is also content that needs to be edited and put together for the YouTube channel. All in time. Client work comes first. Right now the current backlog on an AR is approximately 19 weeks for most guns.
Upcoming Events
At the end of January is the Iowa Furbearers Tournament. BRDGW is one of the sponsors of the tournament and we will also have some vender tables with guns on display at the weigh-in. There is still time to enter if you’re interested! March 3rd, 4th, and 5th is the Iowa Deer Classic. This is a big 3 day event that sees over 10,000 attendees. We will be there too! Booth 212! The red star on the floor plan marks the spot!

A Couple of Recent Builds

Parting Shots
The Invictus Pro in 22 Creedmoor is putting in more work.